During my first 3 years in college, I was involved in a variety of projects that utitlize the power of computer science to serve the community in some disciplines. These include school's organizational administration, gaming & education, and personal projects.
Page Outline:
Codester Combat
I teammed up with 4 other classmates to participate in a Microsoft Hackthon event in November 2021. The event was held on a global scale with more than 50 different student teams across many countries. Our project was inspired by the desire to combine gaming experience and learning productivity. Specifically, we designed a webapp where users can code competitively to win coding battles against opponents. The projects earned us the first prize throughout the event and marked the recognition of our hard work and effective teamwork.
My team consisted of 5 members: 1 project manager, 2 back-end developers, 1 front-end developer, and 1 graphic designer. My interest was particularly in the front stack of work. I designed main pages and game screen using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and utitlized React.js to boost page performance and enhance visual attractiveness.
An observation of the source code can be made at: Codester Combat.
To verify the winner badge from Microsoft: Codester Combat Credly.
Google Sign Language Translator
This was my final project in the Google Software Product Sprint - a Google program that's halfway between a hackathon and an internship. Google Sign Language Translator is a Google-themed sign language translator that aims to optimize the communication among people with hearing difficulties.
I worked with 2 peers and a Google software engineer who was mostly the project advisor. We utilized Google Cloud APIs such as AppEngine, Datastore and Java Servlet to develop backend and cloud service for the project. For frontend, we sticked to a minimum viable product goal and used HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
An observation of the source code can be made at: Google Sign Language Translator.
Live demo: Google Cloud deployed.
VNUK Club Management
I participated in this project while being the technical leader of Google Developer Student Clubs at VNUK Institute - Da Nang. It's a project built completely with the help of students in GDSC. The project was inspired by the idea of a platform that can help universities administer the performance of school organizations using webapp instead of paperwork. The project is being operated internally within VNUK and is utitlized by a majority of organizations in VNUK.
I worked as a full-stack developer in this project. I got help from the project manager - the GDSC Lead and 2 graphic designers to complete the project. The libraries and languages used include .NET Core for back-end, Angular for front-end, and PostgreSQL and Docker for Database and Server.
An observation of the source code can be made at: VNUK Club Management.
Deployed web trial: Club Management
Login credentials for trial:
Account: admin
Password: Pa$$w0rd
Find Restaurants App
This is a personal project that helps find local restaurants based on specific filters and indicate price ranges.
I worked on this project on my own on my way to learn React Native. I found this a head start to learn mobile development. I used Expo, React Native and Yelp API to find local restaurants.
An observation of the source code can be made at: Find Restaurants App.